Report text
text adalah teks
yang berfungsi untuk memberikan informasi tentang suatu peristiwa atau situasi,
setelah diadakannya investigasi dan melalui berbagai pertimbangan.
Generic Structure Report Text.
Seperti halnya dengan descriptive text, Report text juga hanya memiliki
dua struktur umum [generic structure] yaitu :
- General Clasification; Pernyataan umum yang menerangkan subjek laporan, keterangan, dan klasifikasinya.
- Description: tells what the phenomenon under discussion ; in terms of parts, qualities, habits or behaviors; Pada bagian ini biasanya memberikan gambaran fenomena-fenomena yang terjadi; baik bagian-bagiannya, sifat-sifatnya, kebiasaannya, ataupun tingkah lakunya. Intinya adalah penjabaran dari klasifikasi yang disajikan dengan ilmiah.
Ada juga beberapa keterangan
mengenai generic structure report text, yang meliputi :
- General information
- Bundles of Specific Information
General information adalah bagian
yang menyebutkan informasi umum dari tema tulisan yang. Sedangkan
Bundles of specific information, adalah penjabaran dari informasi umum
Saya sendiri lebih cenderung setuju
dengan generic structure kedua; karena hal ini bisa membuat siswa lebih paham
akan cara menulis report text.
Tujuan Report Text
Setiap tulisan pasti memiliki tujuan
mengapa tulisan itu ditulis. Begitu juga dengan report text. Beberapa pakar
menyebutkan bahwa tujuan teks report adalah :
Its social purpose is presenting
information about something. They generally describe an entire class of things,
whether natural or made: mammals, the planets, rocks, plants, countries of
region, culture, transportation, and so on.
Jika disimpulkan, tujuan report text
adalah untuk menyampaikan informasi hasil pengamatan dan analisa yang
sistematis. Informasi yang dijelaskan dalam report text biasanya bersifat umum,
baik itu alamiah ataupun buata seperti binatang mamalia, planet, bebatuan,
tumbuh-tumbuhan, negara bagian, budaya, transportasi, dan lain sebagainya.
Pola Tata Bahasa dalam Report Text
Setiap tulisan pasti memiliki ciri
bahasa tersendiri; jika recount text
dan narrative text cenderung memiliki ciri menggunakan simple past, lalu
bagaimana dengan report text? Oke berikut adalah pola grammar yang umum
digunakan dalam teks report, yang meliputi :
- Use of general nouns, eg hunting dogs, rather than particular nouns, eg our dog;
- Use of relating verbs to describe features, eg Molecules are tiny particles;
- Some use of action verbs when describing behaviour, eg Emus cannot fly;
- Use of timeless present tense to indicate usualness, eg Tropical cyclones always begin over the sea;
- Use of technical terms, eg Isobars are lines drawn on a weather map;
- Use of paragraphs with topic sentences to organise bundles of information; repeated naming of the topic as the beginning focus of the clause.
- General nouns, maksudnya adalah, suatu benda (baik itu hidup atau mati) yang bersifat umum. Coba bandingkan : Hunting dogs >< My dog. Hunting dogs bersifat umum; sedangkan my dog bersifat khusus.
- Relating verbs, dalam grammar disebut juga dengan linking verbs. Seperti to be [is, am, are: present], seem, look, taste dan lain sebagainya.
- Timeless present tense adalah salah satu penanda waktu dalam simple present seperti "often, usually, always" dan lain-lain.
- Technical terms, maksudnya adalah istilah-istilah yang meliputi teks report tersebut. Misalnya tentang "music" maka, istilah-istilah musik harus ada.
Analytical Exposition
Sebuah eksposisi analitis adalah jenis teks lisan atau tertulis yang
dimaksudkan untuk membujuk pendengar atau pembaca bahwa ada sesuatu yang
terjadi. Untuk membuat persuasi semakin kuat, pembicara atau penulis memberikan
beberapa argumen sebagai alasan mendasar mengapa sesuatu terjadi. Jenis teks
dapat ditemukan dalam buku-buku ilmiah, jurnal, majalah, artikel koran, pidato
akademik atau kuliah, laporan penelitian dll Analytical eksposisi populer di
kalangan ilmu pengetahuan, komunitas akademis dan orang-orang berpendidikan.
Struktur generik eksposisi analitis biasanya memiliki tiga komponen: (1) Tesis,
(2) Argumen dan (3) pengulangan atau kesimpulan.A. Struktur Analitik Generik Pameran
1. Tesis: Memperkenalkan topik dan menunjukkan posisi pembicara atau penulis;
Garis besar argumen yang disajikan.
2. Argumen: Ini terdiri tentang Point dan Elaborasi
Point, menyatakan argumen utama
Elaborasi, mengembangkan dan mendukung setiap titik dari argumen
3. Kesimpulan: pengulangan (penyajian kembali), menyatakan kembali posisi pembicara atau penulis
B. Fitur Generik
1. Sebuah eksposisi analitis generik peserta berfokus pada manusia dan non manusia.
2. Menggunakan proses mental. Hal ini digunakan untuk menyatakan apa penulis atau pembicara berpikir atau merasa tentang sesuatu. Sebagai contoh: menyadari, merasa dll
3. Menggunakan kata-kata emotif dan evaluatif
4. Hal ini sering membutuhkan proses material. Hal ini digunakan untuk menyatakan apa yang terjadi, misalnya …. Telah tercemar … dll
5. Ini biasanya menggunakan Present Perfect Tense Simple Tegang dan Sekarang.
6. Enumerasi kadang-kadang diperlukan untuk menampilkan daftar argumen yang diberikan: Pertama, kedua …, Akhirnya, dll
Sekarang lihat sampel eksposisi analitis di bawah ini!
Korupsi dan Budaya Indonesia
Korupsi telah terjadi selama bertahun-tahun dan hari ini menjadi sebuah budaya buruk di Indonesia untuk tiga alasan
Kebanyakan bahasa Indonesia dewasa atau orang asing telah mengetahui dan mengakui bahwa korupsi terjadi di banyak tempat. Korupsi surat kabar harian, berita program di TV dan radio telah melaporkan dilakukan di mana-mana, hampir di semua departemen atau pelayanan publik negeri ini. Korupsi terjadi di departemen pendidikan kesehatan, dan bank. Ketika kita berhasil mendapatkan beberapa dokumen di kantor layanan publik, kita biasanya membutuhkan uang banyak untuk membayar. Manipulasi terjadi di mana-mana
Tindakan untuk menghilangkan korupsi lemah. Budaya semakin kuat tampaknya tidak akan berakhir ketika lembaga-lembaga yang bertanggung jawab yang telah memperkuat keadilan hari ini melakukan korupsi. Ini adalah yang terburuk. Korupsi terjadi di kepolisian, pengadilan di mana hakim, jaksa, pengacara membuat kesepakatan untuk melakukan korupsi. Semua dari kita juga mendengar di akhir tahun 2004, Probosutejo melaporkan bahwa ia telah menyuap Mahkamah Agung, atau disebut Mahkamah Agung yang menjadi tingkat tertinggi di mana keadilan itu dapat diperoleh. Mungkin Anda harus mencoba untuk datang ke pengadilan setempat dan melihat apa yang terjadi di sana. Anda akan melihat praktek-praktek penyuapan dan korupsi jenis lain. Oleh karena itu, kita dapat mengatakan bahwa korupsi menjadi budaya kita. Apakah Anda suka?
Warga tidak memiliki niat baik untuk memerangi korupsi. Mereka menciptakan situasi di mana orang memiliki peluang untuk melakukan korupsi. Warga suka melanggar aturan karena mereka tidak disiplin. Sebagai contoh, di jalan ketika mereka mengendarai mobil atau sepeda motor naik, mereka tidak memiliki izin mengemudi atau dokumen yang diperlukan. Kemudian, mereka ditangkap oleh polisi setempat. Untuk menghindari kesulitan lebih, mereka suka menyuap petugas. Petugas membiarkan mereka pergi kemudian. Dengan kata lain, warga dan petugas yang sama, melakukan korupsi bersama-sama. Jika hanya orang-orang yang kritis, disiplin, dan mematuhi aturan, dan bersedia untuk melaporkan setiap perilaku yang salah, negara ini tidak akan menjadi nomor satu negara merusak di dunia.
Kesimpulan Berdasarkan alasan-alasan, kita dapat menyimpulkan bahwa korupsi menjadi budaya buruk di Indonesia jika tidak segera diakhiri oleh kita semua. Tampaknya harus ada hukuman yang lebih berat bagi koruptor. Apakah kita masih peduli dengan masa depan negara ini?
Ditulis oleh Cahyono
Informasi lebih lanjut:
1. Bahasa emotif menambahkan deskripsi yang kuat dengan fakta-fakta dan membantu untuk membuat nada yang sangat subjektif dari teks. Hal ini memainkan peran dalam membujuk pembaca menuju misalnya pendapat penulis Kebanyakan orang dewasa Indonesia,
2. Bahasa evaluatif adalah cara lain untuk membujuk orang setuju dengan pendapat misalnya penulis Ini adalah yang terburuk, Memang benar, Ini penting, Sudah jelas, saya percaya, Ini adalah jelas bahwa dll
Baca teks berikut!
Pentingnya bahasa Inggris
Tesis {Saya pribadi berpikir bahwa bahasa Inggris adalah bahasa dunia yang paling penting. Mengapa saya mengatakan itu?
Argumen 1 {Pertama, bahasa Inggris merupakan bahasa internasional. Hal ini diucapkan oleh banyak orang di seluruh dunia, baik sebagai bahasa pertama atau kedua.
Argumen 2 {Kedua, bahasa Inggris juga merupakan kunci yang membuka pintu untuk pengetahuan ilmiah dan teknis, yang dibutuhkan untuk pembangunan ekonomi dan politik dari banyak negara di dunia.
Argumen 3 {Ketiga, bahasa Inggris merupakan syarat atas orang-orang yang mencari pekerjaan. Pelamar yang menguasai bahasa Inggris baik aktif atau pasif lebih menguntungkan daripada mereka yang tidak.
Kesimpulan {Dari fakta di atas, jelas bahwa semua orang perlu belajar bahasa Inggris untuk menyambut era global.
1. Enumerations seperti Pertama, kedua, ketiga dll kadang-kadang diberikan untuk menampilkan daftar argumen yang diberikan
2. Tegang hadir: Saya pikir, bahasa Inggris adalah bahasa internasional, Semua orang perlu belajar bahasa Inggris dll
Untuk membuat jelas memahami catatan ini:
Tujuan: untuk membujuk dengan argumen-argumen menyajikan
untuk menganalisis atau menjelaskan ‘bagaimana’ dan ‘mengapa’
Teks Organisasi: Tesis
Pengulangan atau Kesimpulan
Fitur Bahasa: kata emotif (misalnya cemas, khawatir dll)
Kata-kata yang memenuhi syarat pernyataan (misalnya biasa, Mungkin dll)
Kata-kata yang menghubungkan argumen (misalnya pertama, Namun, oleh karena itu dll)
Biografi jendral soedirman
Thank you hopefully
biography Biography and Profiles. Benefit
for you to know more figures in the world, General Sudirman is one of the most
popular figures in the history of the struggle of the Indonesian nation. He
was the first commander of the military, religious leaders, educators,
Muhammadiyah leader and a pioneer of guerrilla warfare in Indonesia. General
Sudirman also one of the five-star general in Indonesia besides General AH
Nasution and General Suharto. He
was born in Bodas Karangjati, Purbalingga, Central Java, on January 24, 1916
and died in Magelang, Central Java, January 29, 1950 at the age of 34 years of
tuberculosis and is buried at the Heroes Cemetery in semaki State Kusuma,
General Sudirman was born and raised in a modest family. His father, KARSID Kartowirodji, was a worker at Sugar Factory Kalibagor, Banyumas, and his mother, Siyem, bleary-eyed offspring Wedana Apex. Soedirman since the age of 8 months was appointed as a child by R. Tjokrosoenaryo, an assistant district officer Apex is still a brother of Siyem. General Sudirman acquire formal education from the School Garden Student. Then he went on to HIK (school teacher), Muhammadiyah Surakarta but not until the end. Sudirman was also active at the moment Scouts organization Hizbul Wathan. After that he became a teacher at his school in Cilacap Muhammadiyah.
The knowledge gained from the Japanese military through education. After completing his education at the MAP, he became a battalion commander in Kroya, Central Java. Later he became the commander of Division V / Banyumas after TKR formed, and eventually was elected Commander of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Indonesia (Commander TKR). Sudirman was known to have a private firm on principle and conviction, he always put the interests of many people and nation above personal interests, even the interests of his own health. His personality is written in a book by Tjokropranolo, bodyguard during the guerrilla, as someone who is always consistent and consistent in defending the interests of the homeland, the nation and the state. During the Japanese occupation, the Sudirman been a member of the People's Food Board and a member of the House of Representatives residency of Banyumas. In this time he set up a cooperative to help the people from starvation.
After World War II, the Japanese surrendered unconditionally to the Allies. Sukarno used the moment to declare the independence of Indonesia. Sudirman and his troops fought in Banyumas, Central Java against the Japanese and captured weapons and ammunition. At that time the Japanese position is still strong in Indonesia. MAP Soedirman organizing his battalion into a regiment based in Banyumas, to become the army of the Republic of Indonesia which then played a major role in the war Indonesian National Revolution.
After the People's Security Army (TKR) was formed, he was subsequently appointed as Commander of Division V / Banyumas with the rank of Colonel. And through TKR Conference on 12 November 1945, was elected Soedirman TKR Commander / Chief of the Armed Forces of Indonesia. Later he began to suffer from tuberculosis, but he still falls within the guerrilla war against the forces who want to master the Dutch NICA Indonesia after the Japanese surrender.
The first great war is a war led Soedirman Palagan Ambarawa against the British and Dutch NICA which lasts from November to December 1945. In December 1945, forces led by Sudirman TKR fought against the British army in Ambarawa. And on December 12, 1945, Sudirman launched simultaneous attacks against all top notch British Ambarawa. Famous battle which lasted for five days to end with the withdrawal of British troops to Semarang. The war ended on December 16, 1945. After victories in the Sudirman Ambarawa Theater, on December 18, 1945 he was appointed as General by President Soekarno. Soedirman gained the rank of General is not through the military academy or other higher education, but because of his achievements.
General Sudirman still plunge into battle during the second Dutch military aggression in the capital Yogyakarta. When the capital was moved to Yogyakarta, Indonesia as Jakarta has mastered Belanda.Soedirman led his troops to defend Yogyakarta from the Dutch attack was on December 19, 1948. In opposition, the health condition of General Sudirman was in a very weak state of tuberculosis he suffered for a long time. Yogyakarta was then controlled by the Dutch, although Indonesia was ruled by the army after General Offensive March 1, 1949. At that time, President Soekarno and Mohammad Hatta and several cabinet members were also arrested by the Dutch army. Because of the precarious situation, Soedirman crutches left with his troops and return to guerrilla warfare.
He moved around for seven months from one forest to another forest, and from mountain to mountain in sickness almost without treatment and medical care. Soedirman home of guerrilla because his health condition does not allow her to lead the Armed Forces directly. After that just a figure Soedirman planners behind the scenes in a guerrilla campaign against the Dutch. After the Dutch surrender as the Indonesian archipelago States in the 1949 Round Table Conference in The Hague, General Sudirman back to Jakarta with President Sukarno and Vice President Mohammad Hatta. At the date January 29, 1950, General Sudirman died in Magelang, Central Java illness suffered severe tuberculosis. He was buried in the Heroes Cemetery in semaki State Kusuma, Yogyakarta. He was named the Defender of Independence hero. In 1997 he was awarded posthumously to Major General of the five-star rank possessed only by a few generals in Indonesia until now.
General Sudirman was born and raised in a modest family. His father, KARSID Kartowirodji, was a worker at Sugar Factory Kalibagor, Banyumas, and his mother, Siyem, bleary-eyed offspring Wedana Apex. Soedirman since the age of 8 months was appointed as a child by R. Tjokrosoenaryo, an assistant district officer Apex is still a brother of Siyem. General Sudirman acquire formal education from the School Garden Student. Then he went on to HIK (school teacher), Muhammadiyah Surakarta but not until the end. Sudirman was also active at the moment Scouts organization Hizbul Wathan. After that he became a teacher at his school in Cilacap Muhammadiyah.
The knowledge gained from the Japanese military through education. After completing his education at the MAP, he became a battalion commander in Kroya, Central Java. Later he became the commander of Division V / Banyumas after TKR formed, and eventually was elected Commander of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Indonesia (Commander TKR). Sudirman was known to have a private firm on principle and conviction, he always put the interests of many people and nation above personal interests, even the interests of his own health. His personality is written in a book by Tjokropranolo, bodyguard during the guerrilla, as someone who is always consistent and consistent in defending the interests of the homeland, the nation and the state. During the Japanese occupation, the Sudirman been a member of the People's Food Board and a member of the House of Representatives residency of Banyumas. In this time he set up a cooperative to help the people from starvation.
After World War II, the Japanese surrendered unconditionally to the Allies. Sukarno used the moment to declare the independence of Indonesia. Sudirman and his troops fought in Banyumas, Central Java against the Japanese and captured weapons and ammunition. At that time the Japanese position is still strong in Indonesia. MAP Soedirman organizing his battalion into a regiment based in Banyumas, to become the army of the Republic of Indonesia which then played a major role in the war Indonesian National Revolution.
After the People's Security Army (TKR) was formed, he was subsequently appointed as Commander of Division V / Banyumas with the rank of Colonel. And through TKR Conference on 12 November 1945, was elected Soedirman TKR Commander / Chief of the Armed Forces of Indonesia. Later he began to suffer from tuberculosis, but he still falls within the guerrilla war against the forces who want to master the Dutch NICA Indonesia after the Japanese surrender.
The first great war is a war led Soedirman Palagan Ambarawa against the British and Dutch NICA which lasts from November to December 1945. In December 1945, forces led by Sudirman TKR fought against the British army in Ambarawa. And on December 12, 1945, Sudirman launched simultaneous attacks against all top notch British Ambarawa. Famous battle which lasted for five days to end with the withdrawal of British troops to Semarang. The war ended on December 16, 1945. After victories in the Sudirman Ambarawa Theater, on December 18, 1945 he was appointed as General by President Soekarno. Soedirman gained the rank of General is not through the military academy or other higher education, but because of his achievements.
General Sudirman still plunge into battle during the second Dutch military aggression in the capital Yogyakarta. When the capital was moved to Yogyakarta, Indonesia as Jakarta has mastered Belanda.Soedirman led his troops to defend Yogyakarta from the Dutch attack was on December 19, 1948. In opposition, the health condition of General Sudirman was in a very weak state of tuberculosis he suffered for a long time. Yogyakarta was then controlled by the Dutch, although Indonesia was ruled by the army after General Offensive March 1, 1949. At that time, President Soekarno and Mohammad Hatta and several cabinet members were also arrested by the Dutch army. Because of the precarious situation, Soedirman crutches left with his troops and return to guerrilla warfare.
He moved around for seven months from one forest to another forest, and from mountain to mountain in sickness almost without treatment and medical care. Soedirman home of guerrilla because his health condition does not allow her to lead the Armed Forces directly. After that just a figure Soedirman planners behind the scenes in a guerrilla campaign against the Dutch. After the Dutch surrender as the Indonesian archipelago States in the 1949 Round Table Conference in The Hague, General Sudirman back to Jakarta with President Sukarno and Vice President Mohammad Hatta. At the date January 29, 1950, General Sudirman died in Magelang, Central Java illness suffered severe tuberculosis. He was buried in the Heroes Cemetery in semaki State Kusuma, Yogyakarta. He was named the Defender of Independence hero. In 1997 he was awarded posthumously to Major General of the five-star rank possessed only by a few generals in Indonesia until now.
bung tomo
Biography Bung
Tomo Blog People and People to know where the famous hero of the Indonesian
nation. to increase our knowledge of science is also motivated to take the
Positive side of the world leaders in the know with Sutomo or call Bung Tomo is
listed as a national hero since 2 November 2008 through confinement by
Information and Communications Minister M Nuh. He was a character on the events
of the battle popoler November 10 in Surabaya.
He was an orator, burning spirit to fight to the death, maintaining dignity, homeland and nation was proclaimed on August 17, 1945.
For a closer look at Bung Tomo brings his passion for motivation We're so much better here's a little story of life can bung tomo please login or take a look at the positive side that we are also motivated.
Sutomo (Surabaya, October 3, 1920 - Makkah, October 7, 1981) or Bung Tomo is a hero known for his role in encouraging the people to resist the return of the Dutch through NICA troops and ending with the events of 10 November 1945 battle hitherto celebrated as Heroes' Day .Sutomo worked as a civil servant, he was a staff person at a private company, as an assistant in the office of government tax and employee small Dutch import-export company.He has also worked as a policeman in the city of Praja and had also become members of the SI, before he moved to Surabaya and become a distributor for the company's sewing machine "Singer".
Sutomo grew up in a middle-class family. Education was important to be obtained Sutomo and family. Sutomo tenacious personality, hard worker, his fighting power is very high. At the young age Sutomo active in scouting organization or KBI. He is also joined by a number of political and social groups. In 1944 he was member of the New People's Movement.
Since the arrival of allied forces and NICA in Surabaya, Bung Tomo struggled to maintain grip Allied and Surabaya from NICA. Bung Tomo has a strong influence among the youth and the fighters. He boldly fired up fighters to battle it out against the allied forces. The fighting was triggered by the death of Brigadier General AWS Malaby in a firefight with militants. Although power is not balanced by fighters allied troop strength, but the events of the battle 10 November noted as the most important events in the history of Indonesia
Around the 1950's Bung Tomo was active in political life. He had become the country Affairs Minister Former Combatants Forces / Veterans as well as Minister of Social Affairs Ad Interim in 1955-1956 on Harahap Burhanuddin cabinet. Bung Tomo is also a member of the House of People's Party of Indonesia 1956-1959. During the New Order government, Bung Tomo criticizing Suharto's policies which he considered starting off.
As a result, on 11 April 1978 he was arrested and jailed by the Suharto government. In fact so great merit in the struggle for independence. One year after the resistance freed Bung Tomo later and not much active in political life.
Bung Tomo is known as a devout Muslim worship. Beliaupun died while performing hajj in Mecca Arafah desert 1981.Jenazah October 7 Bung Tomo brought back to his homeland and buried not in the Heroes Cemetery, but at the General Cemetery Ngagel place in Surabaya.
He was an orator, burning spirit to fight to the death, maintaining dignity, homeland and nation was proclaimed on August 17, 1945.
For a closer look at Bung Tomo brings his passion for motivation We're so much better here's a little story of life can bung tomo please login or take a look at the positive side that we are also motivated.
Sutomo (Surabaya, October 3, 1920 - Makkah, October 7, 1981) or Bung Tomo is a hero known for his role in encouraging the people to resist the return of the Dutch through NICA troops and ending with the events of 10 November 1945 battle hitherto celebrated as Heroes' Day .Sutomo worked as a civil servant, he was a staff person at a private company, as an assistant in the office of government tax and employee small Dutch import-export company.He has also worked as a policeman in the city of Praja and had also become members of the SI, before he moved to Surabaya and become a distributor for the company's sewing machine "Singer".
Sutomo grew up in a middle-class family. Education was important to be obtained Sutomo and family. Sutomo tenacious personality, hard worker, his fighting power is very high. At the young age Sutomo active in scouting organization or KBI. He is also joined by a number of political and social groups. In 1944 he was member of the New People's Movement.
Since the arrival of allied forces and NICA in Surabaya, Bung Tomo struggled to maintain grip Allied and Surabaya from NICA. Bung Tomo has a strong influence among the youth and the fighters. He boldly fired up fighters to battle it out against the allied forces. The fighting was triggered by the death of Brigadier General AWS Malaby in a firefight with militants. Although power is not balanced by fighters allied troop strength, but the events of the battle 10 November noted as the most important events in the history of Indonesia
Around the 1950's Bung Tomo was active in political life. He had become the country Affairs Minister Former Combatants Forces / Veterans as well as Minister of Social Affairs Ad Interim in 1955-1956 on Harahap Burhanuddin cabinet. Bung Tomo is also a member of the House of People's Party of Indonesia 1956-1959. During the New Order government, Bung Tomo criticizing Suharto's policies which he considered starting off.
As a result, on 11 April 1978 he was arrested and jailed by the Suharto government. In fact so great merit in the struggle for independence. One year after the resistance freed Bung Tomo later and not much active in political life.
Bung Tomo is known as a devout Muslim worship. Beliaupun died while performing hajj in Mecca Arafah desert 1981.Jenazah October 7 Bung Tomo brought back to his homeland and buried not in the Heroes Cemetery, but at the General Cemetery Ngagel place in Surabaya.
Biografi Ki Hajar Dewantara
Ki Hajar Dewantara Born in Yogyakarta on May 2
1889.Terlahir as Raden Mas Soewardi Soeryaningrat. He comes from
the family palace of Yogyakarta. Raden
Mas Soewardi Soeryaningrat, even at 40 years old by the count of the Year Caka,
renamed Ki Hajar Dewantara. Since
then, he no longer uses a knighthood in front of his name. This
meant that he could freely close to the people, both physically and heart.
His life is really characterized the struggle and dedication to the interests of the nation. He finished elementary school in the ELS (Elementary School Holland) then could continue to STOVIA (Bumiputera medical school), but it was not until the end because of illness. Later he worked as a journalist at several newspapers including Sedyotomo, Midden Java, De Express, Oetoesan Indies, Kaoem Moeda, Tjahaja Timoer and Poesara. At the time, he was considered a reliable writer. His writings are very communicative, sharp and patriotic so as to evoke the spirit of anti-colonial readers.
Besides tenacious as a young reporter, he was also active in social and political organization. In 1908, he was active in the propaganda section Boedi Oetomo to promote awareness and inspire people of Indonesia at that time about the importance of unity in the state and nation.
Then, with Douwes Dekker (Dr. Danudirdja Setyabudhi) and dr. Cipto Mangoenkoesoemo, he founded Indische Partij (the first political party that wing nationalism Indonesia) on December 25, 1912 which aims to achieve an independent Indonesia.
They tried to register the organization to obtain legal status in the Dutch colonial government. But the Dutch government through the Governor-General Idenburg tried to block it with the presence of the party was refused registration on March 11, 1913. The reason for refusal was that the organization is considered to evoke a sense of nationalism and unity to move against the Dutch colonial government.
Then, after the refusal of registration of the legal entity status Indische Partij he helped form the Committee Bumipoetra in November 1913. The committee as well as a rival committee of the Committee of One Hundred Years of Independence Celebration of the Dutch. Boemipoetra Committee's critique of the Dutch government intends to celebrate one hundred years of its free Holland from French colonialism to withdraw money from the people of colonies to finance the festivities.
In connection with the celebration of the plan, he was criticized by Als Ik Eens article entitled Was Nederlander (If I'm A Netherlands) and Een maar voor Allen Allen Ook voor Een (One for All, but All for One Also). If I'm A Dutch writings published in newspapers owned by de Expres dr. Douwes Dekker, among others, reads:
"If I were a Dutchman, I will not hold the parties freedom in our own country who had robbed her freedom. Parallel to the way of thinking, is not only unfair, but it also does not deserve to have the inlander give donations to fund the celebration.
Thought for organizing the celebration alone insulting them and now we are scratching the bag anyway. Come forward and unseen insult it! If I'm a Dutchman. What offends me and my friends countrymen especially the fact that the nation is required to participate finance inlander a job that he himself had no interest at all. "
As a result of his essay, the Dutch government through the Governor-General Idenburg sentenced without trial, punishment internering (waste law) is a sentence withdesignate a place to stay that allowed for a person to reside. He was sentenced to imprisonment on Bangka Island.
Douwes Dekker and Cipto Mangoenkoesoemo compatriots feel unfairly treated. They also publish a pitched defend Soewardi. But the Dutch believed that writing and inciting the people to revolt against the colonial GOI. As a result, they also suspended internering. Douwes Dekker dumped in Kupang and Cipto Mangoenkoesoemo exiled to the island of Banda.
But they wanted banished to the Netherlands because there they can learn to do many things from the remote areas. Eventually they were allowed into the Netherlands since August 1913 as part of the punishment.
The opportunity was used to explore the issues of education and teaching, so Raden Mas Soewardi Soeryaningrat managed to obtain a Certificate Europeesche.Then he returned to his homeland in 1918. In the homeland he devotes attention in the field of education as part of the means of struggle for independence.
After his return from exile, with his comrades, he founded a college national patterned, Nationaal Instituut Onderwijs Tamansiswa (National University Tamansiswa) on July 3, 1922. Education is strongly emphasized education to students a sense of nationhood that they love the nation and homeland and fight for independence.
Not a few hurdles faced in building State Students. The Dutch colonial government issued Ordinance seeks his way with Wild School on October 1, 1932. But with persistence to fight for their rights, so the ordinance was later revoked.
In the midst of seriousness devoted Tamansiswa in education, he also remained diligent in writing. But the theme of his writing turned from political overtones to the national vision of education and culture. His writing hundreds of pieces. Through the writings that he successfully laid the foundation of national education for Indonesia.
Meanwhile, in the days of the Japanese Occupation, the activities in politics and education continues. When the Japanese government established the People's Power Center (the Son) in 1943, Ki Hajar sat as one of the leaders in addition to Ir. Sukarno, Drs. Muhammad Hatta and K.H. Mas Mansur.
After the time kemedekaan, Ki beat Dewantara had served as Minister of Education and Culture of the first. Name Ki Hajar Dewantara not only enshrined as a hero figure and education (the father of National Education) the date of his birth May 2 was made a National Education, but it is also designated as a National Hero Movement through Presidential decree No.305 of 1959, dated 28 November 1959 . Other awards he received was the title of Doctor Honoris Causa from the University of Gajah Mada in 1957.
Two years after obtaining the degree of Doctor Honoris Causa, he died on 28 April 1959 in Yogyakarta and is buried there.
Then by the successor State college student, founded Kirti Griya Dewantara Museum, Yogyakarta, to preserve the values of Ki Hajar Dewantara fighting spirit. In the museum there are objects or works as the founder of Ki Hajar Tamansiswa and performance in national life. Museum collections in the form of paper or concepts and critical treatises and data correspondence Ki Hajar during life as a journalist, educator, humanist, and as an artist have been recorded on microfilm and laminated for the help the National Archives.
This nation needs to inherit the fruit of his thoughts on the purpose of education is to promote the nation as a whole without distinction of religion, ethnicity, race, culture, customs, habits, economic status, social status, etc., and must be based on the values of human freedom.
Birthday, celebrated as National Education Day. Are known teachings tut wuri handayani (behind giving encouragement), ing madya mangun karsa (in the middle of creating opportunities for initiative), ing ngarsa sungtulada (in front of an example).
His life is really characterized the struggle and dedication to the interests of the nation. He finished elementary school in the ELS (Elementary School Holland) then could continue to STOVIA (Bumiputera medical school), but it was not until the end because of illness. Later he worked as a journalist at several newspapers including Sedyotomo, Midden Java, De Express, Oetoesan Indies, Kaoem Moeda, Tjahaja Timoer and Poesara. At the time, he was considered a reliable writer. His writings are very communicative, sharp and patriotic so as to evoke the spirit of anti-colonial readers.
Besides tenacious as a young reporter, he was also active in social and political organization. In 1908, he was active in the propaganda section Boedi Oetomo to promote awareness and inspire people of Indonesia at that time about the importance of unity in the state and nation.
Then, with Douwes Dekker (Dr. Danudirdja Setyabudhi) and dr. Cipto Mangoenkoesoemo, he founded Indische Partij (the first political party that wing nationalism Indonesia) on December 25, 1912 which aims to achieve an independent Indonesia.
They tried to register the organization to obtain legal status in the Dutch colonial government. But the Dutch government through the Governor-General Idenburg tried to block it with the presence of the party was refused registration on March 11, 1913. The reason for refusal was that the organization is considered to evoke a sense of nationalism and unity to move against the Dutch colonial government.
Then, after the refusal of registration of the legal entity status Indische Partij he helped form the Committee Bumipoetra in November 1913. The committee as well as a rival committee of the Committee of One Hundred Years of Independence Celebration of the Dutch. Boemipoetra Committee's critique of the Dutch government intends to celebrate one hundred years of its free Holland from French colonialism to withdraw money from the people of colonies to finance the festivities.
In connection with the celebration of the plan, he was criticized by Als Ik Eens article entitled Was Nederlander (If I'm A Netherlands) and Een maar voor Allen Allen Ook voor Een (One for All, but All for One Also). If I'm A Dutch writings published in newspapers owned by de Expres dr. Douwes Dekker, among others, reads:
"If I were a Dutchman, I will not hold the parties freedom in our own country who had robbed her freedom. Parallel to the way of thinking, is not only unfair, but it also does not deserve to have the inlander give donations to fund the celebration.
Thought for organizing the celebration alone insulting them and now we are scratching the bag anyway. Come forward and unseen insult it! If I'm a Dutchman. What offends me and my friends countrymen especially the fact that the nation is required to participate finance inlander a job that he himself had no interest at all. "
As a result of his essay, the Dutch government through the Governor-General Idenburg sentenced without trial, punishment internering (waste law) is a sentence withdesignate a place to stay that allowed for a person to reside. He was sentenced to imprisonment on Bangka Island.
Douwes Dekker and Cipto Mangoenkoesoemo compatriots feel unfairly treated. They also publish a pitched defend Soewardi. But the Dutch believed that writing and inciting the people to revolt against the colonial GOI. As a result, they also suspended internering. Douwes Dekker dumped in Kupang and Cipto Mangoenkoesoemo exiled to the island of Banda.
But they wanted banished to the Netherlands because there they can learn to do many things from the remote areas. Eventually they were allowed into the Netherlands since August 1913 as part of the punishment.
The opportunity was used to explore the issues of education and teaching, so Raden Mas Soewardi Soeryaningrat managed to obtain a Certificate Europeesche.Then he returned to his homeland in 1918. In the homeland he devotes attention in the field of education as part of the means of struggle for independence.
After his return from exile, with his comrades, he founded a college national patterned, Nationaal Instituut Onderwijs Tamansiswa (National University Tamansiswa) on July 3, 1922. Education is strongly emphasized education to students a sense of nationhood that they love the nation and homeland and fight for independence.
Not a few hurdles faced in building State Students. The Dutch colonial government issued Ordinance seeks his way with Wild School on October 1, 1932. But with persistence to fight for their rights, so the ordinance was later revoked.
In the midst of seriousness devoted Tamansiswa in education, he also remained diligent in writing. But the theme of his writing turned from political overtones to the national vision of education and culture. His writing hundreds of pieces. Through the writings that he successfully laid the foundation of national education for Indonesia.
Meanwhile, in the days of the Japanese Occupation, the activities in politics and education continues. When the Japanese government established the People's Power Center (the Son) in 1943, Ki Hajar sat as one of the leaders in addition to Ir. Sukarno, Drs. Muhammad Hatta and K.H. Mas Mansur.
After the time kemedekaan, Ki beat Dewantara had served as Minister of Education and Culture of the first. Name Ki Hajar Dewantara not only enshrined as a hero figure and education (the father of National Education) the date of his birth May 2 was made a National Education, but it is also designated as a National Hero Movement through Presidential decree No.305 of 1959, dated 28 November 1959 . Other awards he received was the title of Doctor Honoris Causa from the University of Gajah Mada in 1957.
Two years after obtaining the degree of Doctor Honoris Causa, he died on 28 April 1959 in Yogyakarta and is buried there.
Then by the successor State college student, founded Kirti Griya Dewantara Museum, Yogyakarta, to preserve the values of Ki Hajar Dewantara fighting spirit. In the museum there are objects or works as the founder of Ki Hajar Tamansiswa and performance in national life. Museum collections in the form of paper or concepts and critical treatises and data correspondence Ki Hajar during life as a journalist, educator, humanist, and as an artist have been recorded on microfilm and laminated for the help the National Archives.
This nation needs to inherit the fruit of his thoughts on the purpose of education is to promote the nation as a whole without distinction of religion, ethnicity, race, culture, customs, habits, economic status, social status, etc., and must be based on the values of human freedom.
Birthday, celebrated as National Education Day. Are known teachings tut wuri handayani (behind giving encouragement), ing madya mangun karsa (in the middle of creating opportunities for initiative), ing ngarsa sungtulada (in front of an example).
Not with Me (2010) adalah
lagu yang bercerita tentang seseorang yang terpisah jarak dengan orang yang
dicintainya. Dia merasa orang yang dicintainya selalu ada di sekitarnya. A
long distance relationship. ^_^
I’m walking up from my summer dreams again
Aku tersadar dari
lamunanku untuk kesekian kali
Try to thinking if you’re alright
Mencoba memikirkan apakah
kau baik-baik saja
Then I’m shattered by the shadows of
your eyes
Kemudian lamunaku
dihancurkan oleh bayang-bayang matamu
Knowing you’re still here by my side
Menyadari kau masih
disini bersamaku
I can see you if you’re not with me
I can see you if you’re not with me
Aku dapat melihatmu meski
kau tak bersamaku
I can say to my self if
you’re okay!
Kukatakan pada diriku
semoga kau baik-baik saja
I can feel you if you’re
not with me
Aku dapat merasakan
hadirmu meski kau tak bersamaku
I can reach you my self,
you show me the way
Aku dapat meraihmu dengan diriku, kau menunjukkan caranya padaku
Aku dapat meraihmu dengan diriku, kau menunjukkan caranya padaku
Life was never be so easy as it
Hidup tak semudah
‘till you come and bring your love
Sampai kau datang dan
membawa cintamu masuk
No matter space and distance make it
look so far
Tak peduli jarak yang
membuat ini terlihat begitu jauh
Still I know you’re still here by my
Masih aku tahu, kau masih
disini disampingku
*back to reff
Yeah... you’re made me so alive
Kau tlah membuatku begitu
You give the best for me love and
Kau berikan yang terbaik
untukku cinta dan angan
Yeah and I never feel so lonely coz
you’re always here with me
Dan aku tidak pernah
merasa kesepian karna kamu selalu disini bersamaku
*back to reff
I’m walking up from my summer dreams
Aku tersadar dari
lamunanku untuk kesekian kali
Try to thinking if you’re alright
Mencoba memikirkan apakah
kau baik-baik saja
Then I’m shattered by the shadows of
your eyes
Kemudian lamunaku
dihancurkan oleh bayang-bayang matamu
Knowing you’re still here by my side
Menyadari kau masih
disini bersamaku
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